“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the lord, who has compassion on you.”
-Isaiah 54:10 NIV
“Aunque las montañas sean sacudidas y las colinas removidas, mi amor inquebrantable por ti no será sacudido ni mi pacto de paz será removido, dice el Señor, que tiene compasión de ti.”
Isaías 54:10 NVI

If you want to add beauty to your landscape, trust BJA Bros LLC to maintain your garden. We are the best free quote residential / commercial lawn maintenance company in Stamford, Norwalk, Westport, Southport, Fairfield, Bridgeport, Darien, Greenwhich, Greens Farms, Wilton, Weston, New Canaan, & Greenwich.
We cut weekly, biweekly, or scheduled depending on your lawn needs. We are here to help in any means possible.
Services we provide
Commercial / Residential Mowing
Proper mowing ensures a deeper green color in grass; makes grass more resistant to drought/water, and roots will get more nutrients by growing deeper into the soil. We provide weekly or bi-weekly mowing.
No lawn is really complete unless you edge along the sidewalk, and no sidewalk can look as beautiful as the ones we edge. Say goodbye to irregular and intrusive overgrown grass!
Weeding puts a stop to pesky weeds that will alleviate weed re-growth and ensure a beautiful, healthy garden. We provide weekly or scheduled weeding services.
Mulch provides nutrients and valuable organic matter to soil, improving the overall health of your plants. Mulch also come in colors like Ultra Brown, Midnight Black, Brick Red and Sweet Peet. Perfect for aesthetics designs
Benefits of Professional
Lawn Care Services
Avoid Damage
Most people don’t know much about basic lawn care. So if your knowledge is limited or simply don’t care to learn, and you proceed to do it yourself, you can potentially end up doing more damage than good. That’s why investing in professional lawn care services means your lawn is in the hands of experts who know how to avoid common hazards.
Less Physical Labor
Lawn care is labor intensive. So if you struggle with mobility issues, illness, or simply feel lazy, hire a professional. You’ll be glad you did!

Benefits of Professional
Lawn Care Services
Save Money
The average Joe doesn’t usually own equipment, chemicals, and other products required to properly care for lawns. The cost would be insane! So it may be cheaper for you to hire a professional who already has everything they need and KNOWS what they’re doing.
Increase Home Value
Lawns are the first thing potential buyers will notice when they show up to look at your home. So increase the value with a well-kept front and backyard.
For More Information, feel free to contact me